Got a question about our childcare? Read through our FAQs, we’ve probably answered it! Don’t hesitate to contact us on 07 5646 4320 for more information.

  • What do I need to enrol my child?
    • A

      Prior to commencing at our service, you will be required to complete all enrolment documentation and pay the bond and administration fee.

      Please understand that it is essential we have up-to-date information in case of an emergency. It is important that you notify the nominated or certified supervisor of any changes to enrolment information including:

      • Address
      • Health
      • Telephone/mobile numbers
      • Contact details
      • Family changes
      • Emergency contact information details

      It is essential that we have copies of your child’s birth certificate and immunisation status. We are also required to have certified copies of any court orders relating to the child.

  • What happens if I am late picking up my child?
    • A

      Please be aware the Program closes at 6:30pm. In accordance with National Regulations and licensing, we are not permitted to have children in the service after 6:30pm. A late fee is incurred for children collected after 6.30pm.

      The fee is $15 per child for every 15 minutes or part thereof and will be added to your next account. The late fee is strictly adhered to, as two staff members are required to remain at the premises until all children are collected.

      If we are unable to contact either the parent or a person nominated by the parent on the enrolment form to arrange collection of the child/children within an hour of the Service closing, then we will contact Department of Education and Communities and the Police to take responsibility of your child.

  • What do I do if my child is sick?
    • A

      Our service is a busy and demanding day for the bodies and minds of our children, and we are not equipped to care for sick children; however we will do everything we can to comfort a child who has become sick whilst in our care.

      To try and prevent the spread of disease, please monitor your child’s health and watch for:

      • A runny, green nose
      • High temperature
      • Diarrhoea
      • Red, swollen or discharging eyes
      • Vomiting
      • Rashes
      • Irritability, unusually tired or lethargic

      Please do not bring your child to the Centre if they display any of the above symptoms. If a child becomes ill whilst at the Centre, the child’s parents or person responsible for the child will be contacted to organise collection of the child. If the child is unable to be collected, educators will contact the child’s emergency contact for collection.

  • Does the government provide a childcare benefit?
    • A

      Yes. A family subsidy (Child Care Benefit) is available from the Family Assistance Office (FAO). The Family Assistance Office will assess parents’ taxable income and a scale will be used to determine the amount of assistance each family will receive. The assistance may be claimed at a reduced Service fee or at the end of the financial year. Every family regardless of their income is entitled to this assistance.

      The Child Care Rebate covers 50% of out of pocket expenses up to a maximum amount each year. The Child Care Rebate is not income tested. If you are claiming Child Care Benefit you are eligible for the Child Care Rebate if you meet a “work study test”.

      For further details please speak to our Nominated Supervisor or contact FAO on 13 6150.

      Estimate your childcare costs here

  • What food will be provided?
    • A

      All Children’s meals are supplied and prepared by our qualified cook. BlueBerries is an MSG and NUT AWARE CENTRE.

      A four week cycle menu will reflect a nutritionally based and culturally diverse choices. The menu is displayed on the notice board in the foyer, showing a variety of morning and afternoon tea and lunches provide each day to the children. Water will always be readily available to the children.

      Agreements will be reached with parents regarding special dietary requirements or allergies, religious, cultural and medical issues of individual children. The centre is fully compliant with all aspects of the Food Safety Act. The food and safety program is located in the office. Please see the Centre Cook if you wish to discuss this. The Centre Cook is available from 8.00am to 1.00pm daily. Feel free to discuss any issues relating to meals with our cook.

  • Does my child need to be immunised?
    • A

      Yes. From 1 January 2016, only parents of children (less than 20 years of age) who are fully immunised or are on a recognised catch-up schedule can receive the Child Care Benefit, the Child Care Rebate and the Family Tax Benefit Part A end of year supplement.

      The relevant vaccinations are those under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), which covers the vaccines usually administered before age five. These vaccinations must be recorded on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR).

      Children with medical contraindications or natural immunity for certain diseases will continue to be exempt from the requirements.

      Conscientious objection and vaccination objection on non-medical grounds will no longer be a valid exemption from immunisation requirements. Families eligible to receive family assistance payments and have children less than 20 years of age, who may not meet the new immunisation requirements, will be notified by Centrelink.

  • Will I be notified about my child’s progress?
    • A

      Yes. Every child will have a personal, confidential portfolio comprising of:

      • Child’s Profile
      • Goals from families and Educators
      • Observations
      • Objectives for further development
      • Work samples
      • Checklists

  • Can I get involved with my child’s childcare?
    • A

      Of course! We encourage families to be involved in our service.

      This can range from evaluating and adding input to your child’s program and observations, volunteering within the Service and sharing skills & experiences that the children and the program will benefit from.

      You can also be involved in the Service’s Family Committee. Your involvement can be as formal or active as you like as time permits. We respect that time is limited for most families and we ask that you inform us as to your preferred way of communication. We can arrange meetings with your child’s Educator at a time that suits you throughout the year and offer email, SMS, Facebook, Newsletters, Day Book Journals and pride ourselves on strong verbal communication on a daily basis. We seek input from families on all aspects of the Service but in particular, your child’s goals, observations and program.

      Please read the ‘parent participation’ section of our parent handbook or contact us for more information.

  • What does my child need to bring to daycare?
    • A


      For independence, we work towards all children being able to recognise and open their own bag. Let them be involved in selecting the bag and taking ownership of it. Please ensure it is large enough to hold all their belongings and is clearly labelled.

      Drink bottle

      Again with their name on it. We always provide water and cups but a drink bottle is a great start to school readiness.

      Spare clothes

      Every now and then accidents occur and it may be necessary for your child to get changed into a fresh set. Please include a complete change of clothes every day which can stay in your child’s bag…just in case!

  • What should my child wear to daycare?
    • A

      It is helpful to your child if they are dressed in non-restrictive, serviceable, easy to wash clothes so that they feel free to join in all the activities and to develop independence. Shoes also, need to allow children freedom to run, climb, hop & jump as well as being easy for the child to take off and put on by him/her.

      Unsuitable shoes are thongs and gumboots and we prefer that these are NOT worn to the Service. Lace up joggers or sandals are appropriate. Also, please consider clothing that enables the child to move around easily and allows children to be independent in dressing. Clothing such as long dresses, overalls, braces, belts and stiff buttons can prove a problem for children who need to go to the toilet. We require all t-shirts to have sleeves, no midriff tops.

      Got a question that hasn’t been answered in our FAQ’s or our parent handbook Don’t hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help!