What do I do if my child is sick?

Our service is a busy and demanding day for the bodies and minds of our children, and we are not equipped to care for sick children; however we will do everything we can to comfort a child who has become sick whilst in our care.

To try and prevent the spread of disease, please monitor your child’s health and watch for:

  • A runny, green nose
  • High temperature
  • Diarrhoea
  • Red, swollen or discharging eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes
  • Irritability, unusually tired or lethargic

Please do not bring your child to the Centre if they display any of the above symptoms. If a child becomes ill whilst at the Centre, the child’s parents or person responsible for the child will be contacted to organise collection of the child. If the child is unable to be collected, educators will contact the child’s emergency contact for collection.